
 1. 一副好照片要有一个鲜明的主题 (有时也称之为题材). 或是表现一个人, 或是表现一件事物, 甚至可以表现该题材的一个故事情节. 主题必须明确, 毫不含糊, 使任何观赏者一眼就能看得出来.
2. 一副好照片必须能把注意力引向被摄主体, 换句话说, 是观赏者的目光一下子就投向被摄主体.
3. 一副好照片必须画面简洁, 只包括那些有利于把视线引向被摄主体的内容, 而排除或压缩那些可能分散注意力的内容.

As an Avid photographer, I like to shoot portrait pictures of
models. I normally shoot around the park, garden or somewhere near
the water.

I am mostly available to shoot on the weekend, but will try to
accomendate any day.

If you would like to have a portfolio produced, you can leave me
a message or text me at 347-788-8728 or email me at powdy@powdy.com .

I have shoot at the following places